Mitski Miyawaki (born Mitsuki Laycock) is a Japanese-American singer and songwriter. Born in Mie Prefecture, Japan to an American father and a Japanese mother, she moved frequently while growing up due to her father's job at the United States Department of State, living in Turkey, China, Malaysia, the Czech Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo before settling in the United States. She sang in a choir in high school and was 18 when she wrote her first song on the piano. Read more on Last.fm
seen live indie rock indie indie pop singer-songwriter
seen live indie rock indie indie pop singer-songwriter
Mitski('s) Tracks

My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski

Washing Machine Heart - Mitski

Nobody - Mitski

I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski

Francis Forever - Mitski

Me and My Husband - Mitski

First Love/Late Spring - Mitski

A Pearl - Mitski

Liquid Smooth - Mitski

Your Best American Girl - Mitski

I Want You - Mitski

Strawberry Blond - Mitski

A Burning Hill - Mitski

Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitski

Why Didn't You Stop Me? - Mitski

First Love / Late Spring - Mitski

Once More To See You - Mitski

Brand New City - Mitski

Pink in the Night - Mitski

Class of 2013 - Mitski

Working For The Knife - Mitski

Two Slow Dancers - Mitski

Jobless Monday - Mitski

Bug Like An Angel - Mitski

I Don't Smoke - Mitski

Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart - Mitski

Should've Been Me - Mitski

Crack Baby - Mitski

Drunk Walk Home - Mitski

Geyser - Mitski

Townie - Mitski

Old Friend - Mitski

Love Me More - Mitski

The Only Heartbreaker - Mitski

Heaven - Mitski

I Will - Mitski

Remember My Name - Mitski

Fireworks - Mitski

I'm Your Man - Mitski

Lonesome Love - Mitski

I Don't Like My Mind - Mitski

Heat Lightning - Mitski

Valentine, Texas - Mitski

Star - Mitski

Texas Reznikoff - Mitski

Come into the Water - Mitski

Stay Soft - Mitski

Abbey - Mitski

The Frost - Mitski

Buffalo Replaced - Mitski