KNOWER is the name of the Los Angeles-based electronic music duo consisting of Louis Cole and Genevieve Artadi. Previously known under their own names (Louis Cole and Genevieve Artadi), the two multi-instrumentalists combine a plethora of music styles including funk, dubstep, indie and ambient, into a distinct electronic sound. They have also released a number of covers on their Youtube channel. Discography: 'Louis Cole and Genevieve Artadi' (2010) 'Think Thoughts' (2011) 'Let Go' (2013) 'Life' (2016) 'KNOWER FOREVER' (2023) Read more on

seen live  experimental  electronic  electropop  jazz  
KNOWER('s) Similar Artists

KNOWER('s) Top Tracks

Overtime - KNOWER
I’m The President - KNOWER
Window Shop - KNOWER
The Government Knows - KNOWER
Time Traveler - KNOWER
The Abyss - KNOWER
F--- The Makeup, Skip The Shower - KNOWER
Butts Tits Money - KNOWER
Do Hot Girls Like Chords? - KNOWER
Die Right Now - KNOWER
KNOWER('s) Top Albums